Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture has been performed for thousands of years. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting thin needles into muscles and other bodily tissues to relieve pain or symptoms of disease. The body has over 500 acupuncture points which are connected by the 12 main meridians. Meridians are the pathways for our life force or energy, called Qi (pronounced "Chee"). Qi flows within our meridians and connects to our internal organs. Chronic pain and illness result from the blockage or imbalance of Qi and acupuncture can help correct this imbalance.
In your initial assessment, your TCM acupuncturist will work with you to investigate the root cause of your ailment. Your TCM acupuncturist will then use acupuncture and other TCM modalities at their discretion to treat both the root cause and symptoms of your unique imbalance. Other TCM modalities used together with acupuncture include cupping, gua sha, TDP heat lamp therapy, electroacupuncture, and ultrasound. TCM acupuncture can also be done as an adjunct treatment to physiotherapy.
Direct Billing InsuranceFor your convenience, we offer direct billing to WCB, MPI, all Blue Cross Plans, and numerous private group insurance plans. Some alternative providers we can direct bill include: - Canada Life (Previously known as Great West Life) - Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance - Claim Secure - Desjardins Insurance* - Group Health - Group Source - Johnson Inc. - Johnston Group Inc. - Manulife Financial - Maximum Benefit - Sun Life Financial It is important to note that some plans do not allow direct billing by service providers; they require that you pay for your treatment and submit your receipts for reimbursement. Some sites, such as Telus Health eClaims will allow you to do this online. Please ask our office staff for information on whether your insurance plan allows direct billing. *Some plans may not be eligible
Worker's Compensation Board (WCB)If you file a claim for an insured work-related injury and your claim is accepted, WCB will pay for your initial assessment, plus additional treatments. Coverage for additional treatments is decided by WCB on a case-by-case basis. Fees for treatment are governed by the WCB – Private Physiotherapist Contract.
Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI)If you file a claim for a bodily injury resulting from a motor vehicle accident, MPI will pay for your initial assessment, plus a set number of treatments; the number of allowable treatments is determined by the type of injury you have. Fees for treatment are governed by the Manitoba Public Insurance – Private Physiotherapist Contract.
Veterans, Canadian Forces, and RCMP"Members have coverage on a pre-authorized basis through a Federal Blue Cross plan. Fees and allowable treatment limits are governed by the Federal Blue Cross – Physiotherapy agreement.
Manitoba Blue CrossIf you have an extended health benefit plan, your coverage will include physiotherapy; the amount of coverage is determined by the type of plan you have. Check your policy literature for information on your specific plan, or ask our office staff to assist you.
Other Private Insurance PlansMany people have coverage through a private group insurance plan administered by their employer. Check your policy literature or speak with your employer/plan administrator for information about physiotherapy coverage in your specific plan.
TCM Modalities
Click on a modality to learn more